BETWEEN THE SHEETS (PART 1) – Pastor David Kuria
BETWEEN THE SHEETS (PART 1) – Pastor David Kuria
Series: Between The Sheets
Our sexuality is one of the greatest gifts that God gave to mankind. When God completed the creation story, he looked at all He had made, including sex, and said to Himself that it was good.
How is it then that a thing that is one of God’s greatest creations can be the source of so much confusion, hurt and pain? How is it that something that is so good, can turn out so bad?
How do we hit the reset button on our sexuality to reclaim God’s original intent for it?
This January at Mavuno Church, we go back to the beginning, to the book of Genesis, to discover what God’s plan with sex and sexuality was.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to ‘Between the Sheets’.