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We are an option-oriented society. A people who thrive on our ability to pick and choose.
But every now and then, life pushes us into a corner where we will feel like we are at our wit’s end, at the end of our rope, and are losing our grip.
So… what do you do when you don’t know what to do after all your options have been tried, all your sources have dried up and all your resources exhausted?
This May at a Mavuno Church near you, come and discover options you may never have considered that will help you live a victorious life.
Our Rhythms
Welcome to Mavuno Church Lavington. We are a church that was planted to serve individuals and families in the Nairobi suburbs of Kileleshwa, Lavington, Kilimani and its vicinity. We are located at Lavington Primary School and run both adult and kids services.
We are excited to have you join us.